Palm Oil Developments No.56 (June 2012) p18-22
Olive Oil and Palm Oil: The Myths and the Facts
VOON Phooi Tee, TONY NG Kock Wai * , VERNA LEE Kar Mun * , NESARETNAM, Kalanithi

Palm Oil Developments No.57 (Dec 2012) p21-27
The Possible Mitigation Procedures for the Reduction of the Formation of Chloropropanol Esters and Related Compounds
Siew Wai Lin*, Ainie Kuntom*, Nuzul Amri Ibrahim*, Muhamad Roddy Ramli* and Raznim Arni Abd Razak*

Palm Oil Developments No.58 (June 2013) p20-25
Palm Oil Supply and Disappearance: A Quarterly Review
A Borhan A Nordin, Norhidayu Abdullah and Norrafidah M. Rapiee

Palm Oil Developments No.58 (June 2013) p11, 17-19
Food Safety and Standards Regulations of India: Impact on Industry and the Way Ahead
Prabodh Halde and Chetana Bhandari

Palm Oil Developments No.59 (December 2013) p1-8
The Malaysian Palm Oil Market in West Asia and Central Asia
Mohd Fairus Mohd Hidzir and Hisamuddin Mohamad Aspar