Palm Oil Developments No.42 (June 2005) p8-14

Supply and Demand of Biodiesel in The European Union (EU)


There was a significant development in the EU in 2001 when the European Council agreed on a strategy for sustainable development, including the use of biofuels. In May 2003, the EU outlined a comprehensive legislative framework (European Directive 2003/30/EC) on the promotion of biofuels and other renewable fuels for transport, simply known as the Biofuels Directive. In November 2003, there was unanimous adoption of the new Council Directive 2003/96/EC on taxation of energy products, including detaxation of biodiesel and biofuels to boost their production. This legislation is also known as the Energy Tax Directive. With these two important directives in place, the EU can now develop its biofuels industry for its energy security which is seen as politically correct action for protecting the environment, enhancing agriculture and creating job opportunities.

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