Palm Oil Developments No.42 (June 2005) p43-46

Prices Prospects for Selected Oils and Fats in 2005

RAMLI Abdullah

This report analyses the performances of prices of selected oils and fats, namely, RBD palm olein, soyabean oil, cottonseed oil, lauric oils (palm kernel oil and coconut oil), RBD palm stearin and tallow in the past few years and their prospects in 2005. Based on their performances from 2000 to 2004, the prices of the first two products (olein and soyabean oil) increased at decreasing rates (Table 1). In 2002, the prices of olein and soyabean oil grew at 34.4% and 28%, respectively, from 2001 whereas the growths in 2004 from 2003 were reduced to 4.3% for olein and 11.2% for soyabean oil. A similar scenario can be observed for the prices of RBD palm stearin and tallow with each indicating smaller increases of about 9.8% and 0.4% respectively, in 2004 from the previous year. Conversely, a poor performance was shown by cottonseed oil which price in 2004 was USD 685 t-1compared to a much higher price in 2003 of USD 894.7 t-1, a considerable decrease of 23.5%. Lower production of cottonseed oil in 2003 pushed up its price and higher production in 2004 pulled down its price. The prices of lauric oils, however, showed a different scenario as they rose significantly in 2004 by about 41% for both palm kernel and coconut oils. Stiff competition between these two products that lead to increases in their prices indicated the growing demand from the oleochemicals industry. Therefore, in 2004, it can generally be said that all the prices accelerated but at different rates except for cottonseed oil.

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