Palm Oil Developments No.36 (June 2002) p28-30

Price Scenario of Selected Oils and Fats in 2001 and Prospects in 2002

RAMLI Abdullah

Palm products recorded another bearish year in 2001 as prices continued to decline along the trend that began in 1999. The price of refined bleached deodorized (RBD) palm olein averaged out at US$ 317 t-1, RBD palm stearin at US$ 264 t-1, RBD palm oil at US$ 259 t-1, crude palm oil at US$ 286 t-1, and palm kernel oil at US$ 308 t-1 and all these were lower than their corresponding prices in the previous year (Table 1). Prices of some other oils, namely cottonseed oil and coconut oil also showed the same pattern in 2001, averaging at US$ 414 t-1 and US$ 318 t-1 respectively which were lower than their corresponding prices in the previous year. However, prices of soyabean oil and tallow did show an improvement in 2001 compared to the prices in year 2000.

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