Palm Oil Developments No.43 (Dec 2005) p16-19, 28

Palm Oil – The Healthier Choice for Fast Food Industries


The concept of fast food restaurants (FFRs) is not new as the culture of eating so-called fast foods has long existed in many cultures of the world. Satay (Malaysia and Indonesia), kebab and falafel (Arab countries) are some of the examples of fast foods. The first modern concept of FFRs was introduced in the 1950s by the American fast food chains through the franchise system. In the concept, a FFR is a restaurant which serves popular foods, like French fries, fried chicken, nuggets, fillets and onion rings, quickly after ordering (within 5 – 7 min) and with minimal service. Most FFRs are part of popular restaurant chains or franchise operations in which the foods are prepared in a standard manner for consistent quality. The restaurant is clean, attractive and convenient, and sometimes a child play section and drive-through facilities are also provided. The prices are very affordable to cater for the consumers.

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