Palm Oil Developments No.52 (June 2010) p1-4

Palm Oil Market Share in the US


The visit of Ambassador Demetrios J Marantis, Deputy Trade Representative of the United States, to Malaysia in early March 2010 to discuss the trade related issues between the two nations denotes a significant starting point for the enhancement of trade relation between Malaysia and the USA. The visit of Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abd Razak, the Malaysian Prime Minister, to the USA from 9-16 April 2010 marked a new era on the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and the USA in many aspects. The revived relation between the new administrations of Malaysia and the USA can be very advantageous to trade on agro-based products particularly palm oil. Palm oil has played a significant role in the US market especially in the food sector. From the early 1980s, palm oil from Malaysia had struggled through many waves of resistance from the local producers, nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and came out well to claim its position as the most competitive and versatile food ingredient to replace trans fatty acid (TFA or trans fat) in food formulations.

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