Palm Oil Developments No.56 (June 2012) p28-32

Legislations Enforced on the Oils and Fats Industry in China

WONG Soo Khwan, OOI Cheng Keat , JI Min

China’s food industry seems to have taken a blow by the recent spate of tainted food incidents, putting the national food safety system in jeopardy. This has led to the tightening of the imported foods quality monitoring system by the Chinese authorities. Malaysian palm oil producers have been keeping a watchful eye on the development of legislations imposed on the trade and food safety measures on oils and fats industry. It is the aim of this paper to give a brief account on the legal system, the authorities involved and the machinery related to the food safety, food security, and trade policy of the country. Conventionally, cereal, oilseeds and vegetable oils including palm oil are the integral part of the food complex in the Chinese government’s purview. These are essential goods that are included in the consumer price index measurements, hence, sensitive to government control.

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