Palm Oil Developments No.44 (June 2006) p29-30

Innovations from MPOB on Analytical Techniques

AINIE Kuntom, SIEW Wai Lin

Palm oil is one of the export earners of Malaysia. In the palm oil trade, quality parameters are important to ensure that the quality is not compromised. Once quality is compromised, it will affect the image of Malaysian palm oil and may lead to lost of credibility of the suppliers. With the emphasis on quality, the Malaysian Palm Oil Board developed test methods to assist the industry to monitor the quality of its palm oil produced. In developing these methods, MPOB wanted to use less solvent in line with the current demand for green technology. MPOB had developed and fabricated instruments for the industry. These instruments are the Laser Spectrofluorimeter System, Transparency Meter, Slip Melting Point Meter and Automatic Colorimeter for palm oil.

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