Palm Oil Developments No.27 (Dec 1997) p1-9

Carotenes, Vitamin E and Sterols in Oils from Elaeis guineensis, Elaeis Oleifera and their Hybrids = Carotenos, Vitamina E y Esteroles En Aceites de Elaeis guineensis, Elaeis Oleifera y Sus Hibridos

CHOO Yuen May, MA Ah Ngan , YAP Soon Chee

The oil palm’s main commercial offspring in Malaysia is the Tenera (T) which corresponds to a cross between the Dura (D) and the Pisifera (P) varieties of the Elaeis guineensis species from Western Africa. The crude oil from this species have equal proportions of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and is high in monounsaturates. Furthermore it possesses 1% of minor components such as carotenoids, vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) and sterols. This article informs on the detailed analysis of the composition of fatty acids, carotenes, vitamin E and sterols of the oils coming from E. oleifera (M), E.guineensis (D,P and T), their hybrids (MxD and MxT) and the back crossing with one of the parents (MDxP). It also includes a study on the minor components of the albescens variety.

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