Palm Oil Developments No.42 (June 2005) p1-2

Biofuel: An Alternative Fuel in The Malaysian Scenario

YUSOF Basiron, Tan Sri Datuk Dr

The research in biofuels, in particular palm diesel, has reached a point where implementation of the national alternative energy policy is now feasible. Biofuels are politically desirable worldwide in view of serious concerns over the rising levels of greenhouse gas CO2, global warming and dwindling reserves of fossil fuels. In particular, biodiesel use has become mandatory in several European Union (EU) countries and already is being implemented in several states in US and Canada. Rapeseed oil, being abundant in EU countries, is among the vegetable oils most used, followed by sunflower, soyabean and other oils including palm oil. Recently, even developing countries have had energy policies which include the use of locally available biofuels.

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