Palm Oil Developments No.71 (December 2019) p18-32

Revision of the Malaysian Standard for Palm Oil – Specification MS 814:2007, (Second Revision) Amendment 1:2018 – What’s New?

Farah Khuwailah Ahmad Bustamam*, Yeoh Chee Beng* and Najwa Sulaiman*

The demand for edible oil is expected to increase proportionally with the increase in global population. Hence, palm oil of premium quality could potentially be the choice of many. Being one of the key players in the palm oil industry, Malaysia is committed to ensuring the sustainability of the industry. Usually, palm oil and its products are traded in accordance with the mutual contract between buyer and seller, or following generic trading specifications, such as those set by the Palm Oil Refiners’ Association of Malaysia (PORAM, 2011) and Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd (FOSFA). The Malaysian Standard (MS) for palm oil specification, MS 814, was established by the Malaysian Standards body to standardise and prescribe the requirements for identity and quality of palm oil (Department of Standards Malaysia, 2007). This MS aims to facilitate trade, as well as to provide tools for the market, and thus to generate interest in improving the overall oil quality. At the international level, the Codex Standard for Named Vegetable Oils – Codex Stan 210-1999 was developed to specify the quality, composition, and phsico-chemical characteristics for palm oil and its products (Codex, 2019).

Author information:
* Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB),
6 Persiaran Institusi, Bandar Baru Bangi,
43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.