Palm Oil Developments No.58 (June 2013) p1-6

Oils and Fats in India

Subashini Nandras

With the world’s second largest population of 1.25 billion and her oils and fats consumption estimated at 18.83 million tonnes in 2012, India is one of the world’s leading oils and fats economies. Based on Oil World Annual 2012, India was one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world in 2011, both in terms of area and output. However, India was also the third leading importer of oils and fats in 2011. Oil World Statistics indicates that India had the world’s largest harvested area for oilseeds at 37.53 million hectares, but India’s oilseed yield remains extremely low at an average of 0.88 t ha-1, compared with the world average of 1.76 t ha-1. Therefore, India ranked fifth in terms of oilseed production (32.99 million tonnes) and eighth in terms of total oils and fats production (9.41 million tonnes).

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