Palm Oil Developments No.47 (Dec 2007) p16-19

New evolution of Palm-based Standard Reference Materials

AZMIL HAIZAM Ahmad Tarmiza, SIEW Wai Lin , AINIE Kuntom

Palm oil is one of the most important sources of revenue to Malaysia. Exports of palm oil from the country increased by 41.8% in 2007 compared to that of in 2006. Of this total amount, more than 70% of palm oil exports comprise mainly refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm oil, RBD palm olein and RBD palm stearin. As a leading country in the palm oil business, it is necessary for Malaysia to ensure that palm oil is of good quality. Therefore, harmonization of palm oil test methods is crucial to produce palm oil within the trade specifications. A comparison of the measurement results should be made against the certified values of standard reference materials to ensure the reliability and trueness of the methods used. However, the unavailability of standard reference materials from palm oil products prevents this from being practised. With the emphasis on quality aspects, the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) has taken initiatives to develop Palm-based Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) to cater for the needs of the industry in monitoring the quality of the palm oil produced. Several studies have commenced on the production of such SRMs.

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